Bee Sweet as a Honey Centerpiece
Bee Sweet as a Honey Centerpiece
This bright and cheerful arrangement is sure to brighten anyone's day. You can’t go wrong with this combination of daisies and a sweet honeybee.
Arrangement is full on all sides with attention to detail and placement of each floral. Greenery and stems are securely placed in foam so that it keeps its shape for years to come. Arrangement measures 20" high 16" at widest point.
This item is already made and it's a one and only unique design, so grab it while it's available.
Florals are displayed in an adorable honeycomb milk container with brilliant detail. A honeybee peeking out of center of arrangement and a beehive are nestled among yellow and white daisies and wispy lush greenery. The ribbons in the layered bow coordinate beautifully with the arrangement and securely attached inside metal container.
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